Starting in 1970, Comic Con was made for the ‘geeks’ or ‘nerds’ of lovely San Diego. But today however, everyone comes from around the world for a five day event. Comic Con 2015 is in Dallas,TX this year and it would be fun and informational.
At comic con, many celebrities and actors will be there such as, Stan Lee and Adam West. There will also be cosplayers that you can interact with. Not only is Comic Con in Dallas, it’s also in the dallas mall. So if you don’t like the cosplayers and such, then ask a teacher is you can shop around a little bit.
Besides all the cosplayers and such, you can learn about comics! With Adam West there, he can tell you about what it was like to be Batman in the 60’s. And Stan Lee can show you how to be a cameo actor.
I would think that by now, everyone should be implicated in at least one thing. I would like to go because it would be astonishing and informational.