Cosplayers and Cameo Actors?

Starting in 1970, Comic Con was made for the ‘geeks’ or ‘nerds’ of lovely San Diego. But today however, everyone comes from around the world for a five day event. Comic Con 2015 is in Dallas,TX this year and it would be fun and informational.


At comic con, many celebrities and actors will be there such as, Stan Lee and Adam West. There will also be cosplayers that you can interact with. Not only is Comic Con in Dallas, it’s also in the dallas mall. So if you don’t like the cosplayers and such, then ask a teacher is you can shop around a little bit.
Besides all the cosplayers and such, you can learn about comics! With Adam West there, he can tell you about what it was like to be Batman in the 60’s. And Stan Lee can show you how to be a cameo actor.
I would think that by now, everyone should be implicated in at least one thing. I would like to go because it would be astonishing and informational.

New Family Member, That Bites

   It was Easter Morning and we were sitting on the couch. ” Kids, come look   outside!” mom yelled from the car. We all got off the couch to look outside. We all stopped. There it was, black and grey spotted fur with pink zebra print collar and leash. “Say hello to out new dog, Maggie.” Mom said as she let go of the leash.

   Maggie runs around back but stops in her tracks. She sees a creature she’s never seen before. She sprints up and pounces on it as it lets out a loud yelp. We all dash around back to see what happened  (yes we could hear it from the front yard), and see Maggie biting the cat! When we tried to pull he off she still had the cat it’s ear.

  We were all so mad at her! She had to get a spanking and we didn’t even have her for more than 10 minutes!

But, after that, I knew I had a very important responsibility. I had to keep Maggie away from the cat. You must each accept the responsibilities that are yours. Glatians 6:5.

2013 Memories and 2014 Goals

In my opinion, 2013 was the craziest year in a long time. For example, The word of the year is “selfie”, (A picture of yourself) and whatever happened to Miley Cyrus. There was a lot more about what happened this year but, those were the only things in my head, but, this is how 2013 went for me.

My mom went to Texarcana for a couple of days before Easter. We were all still  asleep when she pulled up in the driveway. I woke up to the sound of nails hitting the floor. “It’s probably my mom letting Harley in.” I said as I dozed beck to sleep. (Harley is my other dog.) “Wait a minute, mom’s home!” I said jumping out of bed. I darted to the living room to see my mom watching T.V with a small, black and grey dog named Maggie.

Another thing that happened in 2013, is that I got to spend Spring Break with my dad. My sister and I never get to see my dad, we begged if we could stay with him for the break. After the State basketball game, we went to my dad’s house in a town about an hour away from Austin. We had so much fun! We got to swim and make smoothies and much more.

The last things I loved about 2013 is that I started 5th grade. As I got off the bus, I walked slower and slower to the door. I soon found out that, there was nothing to be worried about.

Now it’s time to talk about my goals. Two new goals for 2014 is to finish 5th grade, and not get any marks. A thing I want to stop doing is to stop staying inside all day. I also want to learn Algebra. I want to read Hunger Games, HG: Catching Fire, HG: Mocking Jay, and Harry Potter.

Should Every Kid Get a Trophy?

Every kid should not get a trophy because, just showing up to practices and games should not mean you get a trophy, like you can’t get good grades for just showing up for school.Trophies are not a way to motivate players, a pat on the back or a “good job” from a coach is good enough for kid who aren’t that good. So my answer to this question is no, every kid should not get a trophy.